Inclusion for all
Steps taken to prevent students from being treated less favourably:
• All students are invited to take part in extra-curricular activities at lunchtimes and after school.
• Form tutors inform their class about extra-curricular activities.
• Relevant risk assessments are carried out for participation in relevant school activities.
• Detailed planning takes place for appropriate transport provision and reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that all students are able to participate.
How will you support my child's overall well-being?
• Personal, Social and Health Education.
• Students are awarded for effort and achievement in various areas following the school's reward system.
• Pastoral support through Form Tutors, Heads of Years, Personalised Learning Centre and support staff.
• Extra-curricular activities.
• Student Voice.
• Awareness assemblies are held to promote equality and there is a school policy which outlines our commitment to equality and outlines steps taken to prevent students with a disability being treated less favourably than others
Please refer to the school's Anti-Bullying Policy.